Looks like it will be a continual weekly update atm. It seems that is all I have time for these days. So what has happened in the last week to me……………………..My armpit injury is all but recovered, still having a little work done on it by Louise and some self work with my trusty tennis ball. BUT I have developed a nasty case of tennis elbow, so bad, it hurts to brush my hair. I can not lift the coffee pot………………….Arrghh! No coffee! Ice ice baby! That is my prescription and this week I have done absolutely no upper body workouts with weights. Cardio, cardio, legs, cardio, cardio……………you getting the picture. I have been doing some leg workouts on Strive machines, using machines where I do not need to use my upper body to lift weights on etc. Pin loaded all the way. But in saying that I have a severe case of the DOMS today from my workout yesterday morning…..something along the lines of this.
Leg Curl – Levels 1, 2 & 3 – 10 reps at 50kg, supasetting each set with long walking lunges – no stopping, continual walking. About 40 steps.
Leg Extensions – Levels 1, 2 & 3 – 10 reps at 60kg, supasetting each set with split squats or one legged squats, whatever you want to call them. 10 reps each leg, deep, back knee touching ground while on bench.
Leg Press – seated – Levels 1, 2 & 3 – 10 reps at 100kg, supasetting each set with plie squats, feet flared out parallel, 10 reps.
Those who know me, knows that it is absolutely killing me to just walk into the gym and bypass the gym floor. But in saying that, I have been doing some awesome cardio sessions with intervals and spin classes. But with pins and needles and tingling sensations running down my forearm, I think the best thing to do is really give the upper body a bit of a rest. Everyone hates the torture of cardio. Whether it is pedaling on a bike or running up stairs, cardio is the most grueling and annoying part of one’s workout.
Variety, or the lack of, is responsible for the most cardio routines killed, along with many others things in life. Doing the exact same thing over and over is a quick way to turn you away from your cardio. Humans have attention spans, some short and some long, nevertheless everyone has a breaking point. I have decided to not do the same type of cardio everyday. Even if I do 3-4 spin classes a week at my gym, I am so lucky to have so many different instructors there, each one with their own style. Speaking of spin class, I get to catch with Coach, dishing out some punishment on Lindy and Lia and Lisa.
Well you would think I have more things to say after not blogging for a week, but I am on a bit of a drought atm. Eat, Sleep, Train, Work……that is all I seem to be doing these days. And for what reason …………..Results???????????? Huh, now that is a funny word, results.
intr.v. re·sult·ed, re·sult·ing, re·sults
1. To come about as a consequence.
2. To end in a particular way: Their profligate lifestyle resulted in bankruptcy.
a. The consequence of a particular action, operation, or course; an outcome.
b. A favorable or concrete outcome or effect. Often used in the plural: started studying and got immediate results.
2. Mathematics The quantity or expression obtained by calculation.
Nuh! I don’t like that word so I am going to say that I am doing what I do for the wantof Satisfaction!
a. The fulfillment or gratification of a desire, need, or appetite.
b. Pleasure or contentment derived from such gratification.
c. A source or means of gratification.
a. Compensation for injury or loss; reparation.
b. The opportunity to avenge a wrong; vindication.
3. Assurance beyond doubt or question; complete conviction.
For me it is satisfaction even if I don’t get the results I want to see every week, but know that I have tried my best that day to get to where I want to go. The satisfaction that I am working hard for my desires of that elusive BEHAG.
There is the all time old saying……….”Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going”
Let this be a simple reminder to make the right choice.
Your own mind is your greatest ally. You can have all the information, know exactly what to eat and how to train but without motivation and a firm committment to changing your bad habits you will not achieve your fat loss goals.
To develop the body you want and to achieve health and wellness takes determination in breaking old habits.
" Today's Action Becomes Tomorrows Habit"
Have a great weekend everyone.