Thursday, 25 September 2008


Well now, I don't know what it is, but of late (well to tell the truth, I have noticed this a long time but put it done to processed foods) I have noticed that my girth grows about 5cms by mid afternoon and I often feel bloated. Not windy and not crampy, just hyperextended???? I think I need to investigate a bit more now. I have been eating so cleanly for a while now, with very little processed foods, lots of cruciferous vegetables and fresh meat. Even the boys get fresh meat for sandwiches, I roast something every weekend instead of buying processed ham.

Food has been clean so far this week, EXCEPT! I had 2 marshmellows and 2 sour jellies after a stressful hour with the auditors. I really wish some of these young people would get some experience in business before they become auditors. One should understand that not all businesses can run completely to text book. Each individual entity has it's own way of doing management accounts, especially for managers and directors!!! Humph!

I have done some weights this week, back, bis and shoulders and my chest injury is niggling me, so I think I will give chest and tris a miss this week, just to give it an extra week to recover. We did some pushups in boxing and I think I have aggrevated it some more again. So all I have left to do is lovely legs - leaving that for last - Friday!

Cardio and Balance tonight is totally on order and tonite I will not be swayed from my directions. Legs and stairs tomorrow and a huge powerwalk on Saturday before I head off for the whole day at the ANB comp. I am getting a bit excited about that!

Well I guess I best be doing some work now.



Miss Positive said...

Hello lovely, sorry didn't get much time to speak at gym the other day... you looked like you were training hard!!

Have a great time at the ANB this weekend!

Hilary xx

Doris's BEHAG journey said...

Hey Hey Hils

Yeah, I meant to come over but had to really get going due to auditors. Will have more time next week. Really needed to get my shoulders in.

SeLiNa said...

Found you :) Have fun on the weekend at the comp! Take heaps of pics we can all have a sticky at ;)

LizN said...

Hey Dori,

Totally normal to bloat up by afternoon's end. Part and parcel of being a girl I'm afraid.

Magda said...

Hey Dori,

nice new blog. I like it.


Anonymous said...

Hi mate, just found your blog as I'm an avid follower of MissTank, what an awesome woman. Anyway re bloating, it is a part of being a woman, but I've found that the 'wrong' carbs bloat me ie wheat. So I began a gluten free diet just to see if it made a difference, and boy did it. Doesn't mean you can't have carbs, just be selective with carbs. Hey I'm no expert and just starting my weight loss journey - AGAIN AND FOR THE LAST TIME - but I've found I have to not limit carbs, just eat the right ones for my body. I believe that our body tells us what's right and what's wrong, so listen to your body.

Now going to add you to my favs.
