Thursday, 28 May 2009

It begins with you!

It always begins with you.

You are psyched, you finally have re-found (is that a word?) the motivation you had many months ago (8 to be exact), you are ready to start today! 8 months ago I thought I didn’t need any help at all, yeah right! I need guidance, I admit finally, even with all the knowledge under my belt, I really do need guidance! And you know what, that is a mind blowing fact! I have always thought of myself being able to cope with everything on my own (and prided on that). Well that pride now has been swallowed and acceptance has shrunk in! You must be enormously self-motivated if you are willing to take on the challenge of losing weight by yourself, well I thought I was, but realization has set in, I AM NOT Now that in itself is pretty frightening! Where is my independence, where is my strength???

Where does motivation come from? I thought that wanting to compete in physique would be enough to motivate me – but obviously my brain didn’t engage in that thought! What are you thinking!!! 8 months you have sauntered along jumping in and out of existence, drop in scale weight, then increase in scale weight! Time for the rot to stop! Let the taming of the beast begin!!!

In your mind, it has to be worth the effort it takes to develop a plan and stick to it. Others can HELP motivate you by giving you a lot of support and nudging you in the right direction, but ultimately, you have to do it for YOU! You need the right attitude. Something Shelley wrote spurred me to write this little post, so thank you Shelley. I think I have opened my eyes (at friggin last!)

An article I was reading said the same thing as Shelley – quoted from article “ One thing that you must do is believe, just take a moment and think about it for a second. Understanding what motivation for you is important if you want to lose weight. The more motivated you are, the more likely you are to start and continue your plan. You need to believe in that motivation!”

Well – it all starts in your brain! Our thoughts and attitudes create our reality. In order to create something, we have to think it first, express it, and then do it!

So back to basics and start to think.



ss2306 said...

You're welcome Doris!

This is the sort of stuff that I worked on with Jeanelle last year. She had me write down what I value, my rules which then had to be reframed giving me my new rules. I typed them out and stuck them above my computer and read them out loud every day and now I truly believe them.

I can't begin to tell you how much my life has changed for the better and most days I feel like I'm gonna explode with excitment, confidence and positivity.

Keep practising and before long you'll be exactly the person you want to be.

And, I'll be here spurring you along and clapping hands.

Valley Girl said...

Hi Doris,

Good for you, like you Ive kicked my butt big time about 3 weeks ago & so far 2.1kg down & still forging ahead, it's hard & yes easy to revert back but I am doing this for me and I will like you get there.

I am though looking forward to my glass of red tommorrow night about 8pm, my treat for my good work, now must go I'm starving, vegie omellette tonight...