Tuesday 19 May 2009

The Wedge of Discouragement

Author: Tom Venuto

Taking the first step towards a fitness, bodybuilding or weight loss goal is seldom spontaneous. I know people who thought about competing in bodybuilding or fitness for YEARS before they mustered up the courage to set the goal and start the training (let alone stand onstage in a 'teeny bikini') Many people spend months "thinking about it" before they finally join a gym and get started.

So much planning, thought, time and effort go into overcoming inertia and getting the ball rolling.....and what happens? You hit ONE rough patch (you always do), and you allow the wedge the tiny opening it needs. You stray from your diet, miss some workouts, sustain an injury, or more often than any other reason; you simply an injury, or more often than any other reason; you simply don't see results fast enough. One little setback or challenge and you let yourself become hopelessly discouraged.

It's a pity how easily most people are discouraged, because reaching your goals will occur with mathematical certainty if you consistently follow proven principles and natural laws. Too many people get discourgaed or quit beofre they allow the required gestation period to elapse.

If you planted a tree in your backyard, you would know for certain it would grow, as long as you provided the necessary conditons. If you planted it in good soil, nurtured it, and provided it with water and sunlight, your seed would sprout and grow towards the sky as sure as the night follows the day.

Goals are like seeds and they require time to take root and sprout. Getting discouraged just because you have a setback or you don't see your body trasnform 'overnight' is silly. It's denying nature's immutable laws. Becoming negative or quitting because you don't see results fast enough is like digging up your seeds to see if they're growing down there (killing them in the process).

If you're nurturing your 'goal seeds' by consistently working out and eating properly, OF COURSE they're growing! Have you ever watched the grass grow in you backyard? You don't actually SEE each blade getting taller, but you know it's growing every week you have to mow your lawn! Sometimes getting in shape is like watching the grass grow - it really tests your patience. Don't EVER allow that to discourage you! Keep advancing confidently in the direction of your goals.

It's okay to have BIG, magnificent goals, but allow a reasonable time frame for achieving them. Shun the quick fix and cultivate the virtue of patience. Impatience leads to frustration. Frustration leads to discouragement. Discouragement, allowed to foster and grow, is the dream destroyer.

When discouragement strikes - and it will, right along with its brethren, doubt and fear - see it as an opportunity to get stronger. All progress and growth occur against resistance. The lumberjack says, "the stronger the wind, the stronger the trees, good timber does not grow with ease". Just as muscles grow against resistance. You can't become a strong person unless you experience setbacks, challenges and discouragement and overcome them. Life's challenges were meant to be net head on and mastered.

It's been said that when God wants to give you a gift, he wraps it up in a problem. Your current problem, difficulty, or whatever is making you feel discouraged, is your great opportunity! Eachtime you feel discouraged and press on in spite of it, you get tougher. Your skin gets thicker as if a callous were forming. Eventually, you forge an imprenetrable armor against the onslaught of discouragement's wedge and all the other tools that destroy the dreams of weaker men and women. You gain the faith and confidence to look in the mirror and KNOW you'll reach your goal eventually, even though you don't see dramatic changes on a day to day basis.

With the new year before us, I want you to make a commitment today, right. NOW: Set goals for year, but don't stop there. Set "a goal for your goals". Decide that you will see your goals through to completion, no matter what slings and arrows (and wedges) come your way. Decide that you will never give up when you feel discouraged, but instead, you will see discouragement as your signal to dig in and work even harder. Decide that you will conquer discouragement, and in so doing, become more resolved, more deteremined, and stronger than ever. Make the commitment today! Make this year your best year ever!


Anonymous said...

Awesome post Dori - Awesome!!! You keep it up girl - that 2.1456 is achievable and you will do it! xx

Magda said...

Hey Dori,

what a great post and one that a lot of us can relate to, I'm sure. Since having to go it alone, I've suffered the discouragement too many times to mention. I've stopped and started more times than I care to mention.

I know your goal is huge but you have to keep chipping away at it and you will make it. My attitude is that if I dont make the time-line then it gets moved out. Its not failure its just a reassessment of the timeframe. (Just dont move it too many times LOL).

Hang in there babe

XX Magda

Fifi said...

I'm with ya Dori. Chipping away as Magda said. xxx

Charlotte Orr said...

Great post, thanks