Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Remember the Journey!

We often tend to label ourselves in a negative way, particularly with regard to losing weight…………..you know, the ones like ‘failure’, ‘unsuccessful’, ‘no determination’, ‘what’s wrong with me’! Especially when you put a massive effort in, your motivation is at an all time high and your expectations of course is at an all time high! But all too often we forget to look at that journey to the point where we start to have that change from a positive to a negative. I mean, look at the exercise choices you made while you were at your peak in motivation, look at your food choices and most of all look at your head space………….it was good wasn’t it. Then when that all too expected results does not happen, we start to beat ourselves up! Well I have decided that beating yourself up keeps you trapped, stagnant – well think about it, you get excited with the oncoming result then the result doesn’t happen but it is so close or you had a reversal. You talk yourself into being a failure and you start rehashing your last week of all the good things, trying to find out where you went wrong, questioning “what’s wrong with me!”. Well guess what! You didn’t go wrong!

So what now……………keep going! Your expected results is now just a day behind, your in front! The result is the loser, not you. It is the one lagging behind! Here’s an age old saying that makes sense………”just relax and be patient, Rome was not built in a day”. We really need to start praising ourselves for the effort we put in rather than the result we get from that effort. The thing to do is look at the result as “Collateral Damage”. To look at it differently and call results collateral damage might work if you only recognize the effort and choices you put into your goal. Realistically, that is what gets us to where we want to go ultimately. The journey! The only way to get to RESULTS is to take the JOURNEY!



Splice said...

ALWAYS keep going! Your right on the money when you say that.
If you keep going you will get results.

Doris's BEHAG journey said...

Hey Deb

I was just blogged after reading a disppoint from LJ, so I posted my thoughts for her. But it always helps you to remind yourself of the same, so that worked for me.

Rachael P said...

So true Doris, that was very good reading and I totally agree. Sabotage is absolutley horrible and I think is done far to much. hhmm I seem to generally have the same pitfall everytime but it has been the first time that I have read it so literal on the blogs.

Have a great week

Anonymous said...

Results are just feedback,

never beat yourself up.

The person inside will never change.You are beautiful, no matter what.
Love ya


ps loving your blog....still since the start

Unknown said...

Hey there!
I was in a similar place yesterday.. Thanks for posting!

Lisa Jane said...

Thanks Dori. It did help! A lot!

Love you tons lady
