Friday, 10 October 2008

And the visitor is.............

That just totally explains everything! I have a visit from Uncle TTOM for the first time since February! Forgotten what that was all about as well. Phew! I am not a crazy woman - just had a massive hormonal shock to the system! Yippee! Funny, to get excited about something like this! Its just I didn't want to be that crazy mixed up woman, who crys at a drop of a hat!



Splice said...

Great news for you :-)
Hopefully this is the start of a regular cycle for you.

LizN said...

Now, doesn't that feel better?

Doris's BEHAG journey said...

Yes Siree! It sure feels good to know why you are the way you are! I am thinking along the same lines as you Deb, maybe a normal cycle is about to start again, this could mean some changes as well. fingers crossed.

Certainly does feel better Liz, even though we all hate uncle TTOM, it feels good knowing!

SeLiNa said...

Hey Dori :)
No they aren't the Ready Whites in the sachets (although they used to stock those as well); they're the ones in the dark blue 1litre milk carton with a muscle man on. Come in the same section... as I said it has been at least 2 years since I found them. I'll get the brand for you. I think it's Golden Edge or something (too lazy to go back up to freezer right now!!) ;)